
I am a dual British / Irish citizen and grew up in Australia and Singapore.

I returned to Ireland to finish my education, going on to study Multimedia at Dublin City University (DCU) and then Film Making at Brighton Film School (BFS).

I am passionate about film.

My first exposure to a professional production was as Production Assistant on the short film Psychic 2018 Dir. Brendan Gleeson  https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9386634/

I have worked on numerous productions in different roles at DCU and BFS but my passion is Cinematography and my initial actitivities in this this area have focussed on Camera Operator.

I recently conceived, Directed and Produced my first short documentary on the gentrification of Brighton and the effect it is having on local artists. 

Can be viewed here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsAW1czebVY

I have experience of video production and post production.

I am a team player, hardworking and willing to learn.




See which ScreenSkills e-learning Bill Mitman has completed to improve their skills and knowledge.

From script to screen: an introduction to how scripted content gets made

Not completed

Diversity, equity and inclusion for the screen industries

Not completed

Safeguarding for all: basic awareness for the screen industries

Not completed

Tackling harassment and bullying at work

Not completed

Addressing unconscious bias: basic awareness in the workplace

Not completed

Introduction to mental health awareness at work

Not completed

Coronavirus basic awareness on production training

Not completed