Media sharing

Media sharing
Media sharing
Part of series
Module type
ScreenSkills funded

Media sharing is specifically designed for screen professionals who need to use software to collaborate with team members and share large files but haven't had the opportunity for formal training.

With six informative videos, you will be guided through media sharing for PC and Mac and introduced to a range of different software to assist you.

With the Upskilling for screen professionals training programme, you will not only gain software skills, but also develop efficiencies in your working practices, build confidence and understand the benefits of using software collaboratively.

Module content

By the end of the module, you will have gained knowledge in the following:

  • What is cloud storage and how it works
  • How to share files instead of emailing attachments
  • Different file storage options
  • Teams, OneDrive and Sharepoint for media sharing and management.

Alongside this there are additional modules covering:

  • DropBox
  • Google Drive
  • WeTransfer and Smash
  • AirDrop
  • Dynamic watermarking


ScreenSkills develops skills and talent to support the UK's screen industries.

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