Set up and deliver a best practice mentoring programme

Set up and deliver a best practice mentoring programme

ScreenSkills delivered a wide range of mentoring activities as part of the Future Film Skills (FFS) programme, 2018 to 2023. The FFS programme was delivered for the BFI by ScreenSkills with funding from the National Lottery. Mentoring was delivered through a direct delivery programme and via funded and non funded partner organisations in the mentoring community of best practice. 

In January 2023, ScreenSkills engaged an independent researcher to review the programmes delivered by the funded partners and produce legacy documents to help sustain mentoring activity in the future. The research findings were used to devise a checklist to help organisations who are considering delivering mentoring. The questions and recommendations are all drawn from the illustrative evidence, lived experience and advice given by funded organisations who have partnered with ScreenSkills to deliver a mentoring programme as part of the FFS project. This is not a prescriptive model; it is a guide to support organisations to develop their own best practice mentoring programmes. 

Checklist of questions and recommendations