Virtual production and lighting department - an introduction

Crew in a virtual production studio

There are additional competencies required to incorporate virtual production technologies into different parts of the workflow within lighting departments.

The competencies for the various lighting related functions and departments are divided into four main areas of work, based on the existing structure of the National Occupational Standards:

  1. Identifying equipment
  2. Preparing and maintaining equipment
  3. Operating, installing and programming equipment
  4. Managing self and others

Check out the skills and knowledge required to include virtual production in each of the above areas of work. These complement the wider competencies required within each of these functions to undertake more traditional projects, which are detailed in the full National Occupational Standards.

Explore the lighting competencies:

Identifying lighting equipment for virtual production

Preparing and maintaining lighting equipment for virtual production

Operating, installing and programming lighting equipment for virtual production

Virtual production and lighting: managing self and others

Learn about camera competencies for virtual production here.