Virtual production and camera department - an introduction

A car is on a virtual production set

There are additional competencies (or skills and knowledge) required to incorporate virtual production techniques into different parts of the workflow within camera departments.

You can explore the competencies in more detail by browsing the sections dedicated to each one.

You will find all competencies for the various camera related functions and departments are divided into three main areas of work, based on the existing structure of the National Occupational Standards:

  1. Supplying and maintaining camera and related equipment
  2. Setting up camera and related equipment
  3. Using equipment to capture quality images

Check out the skills and knowledge required to include virtual production in each of the above areas of work.  

These complement the wider competencies required within each of these functions to undertake more traditional projects, which are detailed in the full National Occupational Standards.

Explore the competencies:

Supplying and maintaining camera and related equipment for virtual production

Setting up camera and related equipment for virtual production

Using equipment to capture quality images for virtual production

Learn about lighting competencies for virtual production here.