Emily Wright on taking part in a screen apprenticeship

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Image: © University of Gloucestershire

Why did you choose an apprenticeship?
I knew I wanted to get into the industry but was struggling applying for entry level jobs/runner jobs. I didn't have a car or an industry contact, nor did I train in film or media at school or university, so this was the perfect way for me to get an opportunity to start working in the industry.

Why did you want to join the screen industry?
I watch a lot of TV and have always been involved in creative industries where I found my strengths were logistical/organisational so saw this as something I thought I would be good at and enjoy. 

What were your highlights from the apprenticeship?
I worked on a variety of studio shows and got to plan and go to some really fun and exciting filming days at the studios. You always meet lots of different people and I made some great friends.

Has this encouraged you to further a career as a production coordinator or more senior role?
No, I think this was advertised as a role not much above entry level which I haven't found to be the case, at least not on the type of shows I've worked on. I was a production secretary for my whole placement and have continued freelancing in this role which is a step down from the production coordinator role and feel like this is an appropriate level for the amount of time I've been in the industry. I do feel it has given me the experience and credits to be able to move along this path quicker than if I'd started out as a runner.

Why would you recommend apprenticeships to others looking to start their screen careers?
Being on placement for a year and a half took the pressure off looking for my first few jobs if I were freelance and has made the transition to freelance work much easier as I have some experience on my CV. You're given great experiences to learn on the job without the expectation of needing to know exactly what you're doing yet. They do throw you in the deep end but I think that's the best way to learn.

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