Adam Wilkinson - location manager and sustainable waste manager

Adam offers a portfolio of services having spotted the need to help the film and TV industries become greener, through his work as a location manager.

Adam Wilkinson is a location manager who now offers a portfolio of services to the film and TV industry. He has diversified into sustainable waste management and eco-cleans for productions while maintaining his work in location management.

Adam’s motivation for offering these additional services was to reduce the amount of waste that productions send to landfill, and to minimise pollutants in the water source from the residue of cleaning. He spotted a way of improving the film and TV industry, which had the added bonus of ensuring he could carry on earning money between his location manager work.

“I saw there was a need for change and I wanted to be part of that change,” he says.

Through being a location manager, Adam already had the necessary core skills to diversify his business, such as communication, contracting, organisation and time management. The only additional skills he needed was an in-depth understanding of eco-cleaning, which he learnt through self-guided study and putting on his rubber gloves.

This video was created by ScreenSkills as part of campaign, funded by Arts Council England, to encourage freelancers to build portfolio careers by using their skills in more than one creative industry or genre. 

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