Introduction to Meditation and Mindfulness

Career stages
Early, Experienced, Expert
Unscripted TV
ScreenSkills funded

“I don’t have time to meditate.”

“I tried meditating but I’m not very good at it”

“Meditation is too hard.  I can’t calm my mind”

Sound familiar?  If meditation is something you think you ought to do but don’t know where to start, come and join this workshop to demystify mindfulness and learn simple but effective techniques to incorporate into your working day.  

In this introduction you’ll learn the science of how meditation works and its benefits before experiencing a taster of guided meditation, mantra-based meditation and mindfulness.  

Benefits include reducing anxiety, normalising blood pressure, aiding sleep, concentration, focus, memory and boosting immunity, empathy and serotonin levels.  You’ll leave with techniques to use beyond the session.


This event is supported by the ScreenSkills Television Skills Fund which invests in training for the freelance television workforce thanks to contributions from the BBC, Channel 4 and Channel 5.

It is part of a ScreenSkills programme managed by the Indie Training Fund to support freelancers to upskill and stay connected, helping keep the industry resilient in these difficult times.

This session will take place online via Zoom. Click ‘get ticket’ to reserve your place: you must login or register before you are able to get a ticket for this event. A booking confirmation with a joining link to the session will be sent to you via email.

If you are no longer able to use your ticket, we ask you to please contact  so that we can release your place. Our sessions are often oversubscribed, so we’d like to give other freelancers the opportunity to fill available spots. Thank you for your consideration.



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